Source: Anadolu Age.; Beko gets $50m
syndicated loan from IFC; Nov 11, 2002
The International Finance Corporation
(IFC), World Bank's branch for development of private sector, lended a 50
million U.S. dollars syndicated loan to Beko Elektronik, a leading durable
goods producer in Türkiye. The loan agreement was signed on Monday in
Istanbul in a meeting in which IFC Southern Europe and Central Asia
Director Khosrow Zamani, Director for Türkiye Sujata Lamba, Koc Holding
Durable Goods Department Chairman Cengiz Solakoglu, Beko Elektronik A.S.
Director General Ali Sumerval and Deputy Director General Mustafa Cekdemir
The loan will be used to finance
investments by Beko Elektronik.
Half of the loan has seven-year
maturity with a Eurolibor+3.85 percent interest.
The other half of the loan has
five-year maturity with a Eurolibor+3.60 percent interest.